Post Doc on Engineering Quantum Resources Using Polaritonic Resonators Giant Nonlinearity (NGAP Project)

Job offer posted on 12 April 2024.

NGAP Project is looking for a Postdoc Researcher to conduct and analyse experiments on the generation and detection of quantum correlated photons using highly nonlinear polaritonic semiconductor microcavities.


N-GAP: Nanophotonic GAtes with exciton-Polaritons

Quantum computing is one of the key promises of quantum technologies. Many quantum degrees of freedom have been envisaged to realize a quantum computer, including ions, atoms, electrons, and superconducting materials. Among these options, integrated photonic platforms that allow creating ultrafast complex circuitry with a small footprint are very promising.

In the N-GAP project, our goal is to explore whether exciton-polaritons, a hybrid state of light and exciton, can be exploited as a quantum degree of freedom for quantum computing. exciton-polaritons exhibit a unique feature in this context: a giant Kerr nonlinearity, typically three orders of magnitude stronger than that found in standard photonic nonlinear crystals. The main objective of N-GAP is to push this nonlinearity closer and potentially deep into the quantum regime, to achieve the first experimental realisation of a deterministic CNOT gate based on polariton systems.

Read more about the NGAP project here.


The candidate will perform experimental micro-spectroscopy in cryogenic cooled polaritonic microcavities under resonant excitation. He/she will help determine the nature of the nonlinearity and explore new strategies to enhance it. He/she will characterize the photons emitted by the intracavity field fluctuations that are expected to be quantum correlated by the giant nonlinearity. The correlations will be characterized by ultrafast two-photons coincidences and by quantum noise measurements.

He/she will analyze the experiments and participate in the theoretical developments, and comparison with the experiments. The appointee will work in a highly collaborative environment and must feel comfortable in daily interactions with collaborators, live and remotely.


The candidate should have a solid academic track-record, and a previous experience in experimental physics on connected topics such as: Quantum optics, quantum properties of ultracold atomic vapours, optical spectroscopy of quantum systems.

The appointee will join Majulab at CQT (Singapore) under the joint supervision of Dr. Maxime Richard (Majulab & CQT affiliated, Singapore), and Prof. Alberto Bramati (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne University, Paris). He/She will carry out experimental work mainly in CQT at Singapore. He/she will also travel regularly (1 to 2 month per year) to Sorbonne University to perform additional complementary measurements.

The applicant should submit a detailed CV. Positions will initially be offered for 1 year, with possible extension for at least one more year. The start date is flexible. If shortlisted, applicants should also arrange for two letters of reference to be sent directly to the supervisors.


Salary range: SGD6,500 to SGD9,000 (depending on suitability and experience)

Workplace address: The applicant will be a CNRS@CREATE appointee (CREATE Campus, CREATE Tower, 1 Create Way #08-01 Singapore 138602), and work at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (National University of Singapore) and Majulab, 3 Science drive 2, 117543, Singapore.

Interested applicants please contact: Maxime Richard and

Subject template for application by email:

NGAP – Position – Name of the offer. Documents: CV and a recommendation letters to be sent directly by the candidate to the supervisors.

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