EcoCTs mid term meeting – June 2022

Slide EcoCTs Mid term meeting
EcoCTs: Engineering biology for a circular economy – Towards urban sustainability.

The CNRS@CREATE EcoCTs project held its mid term meeting during 3 days in June 2022. It was a great pleasure to welcome everyone together physically after a long period of virtual meetings only!

Here is an overview of these few days :


EcoCTs group photo

The EcoCTs team photo, in the presence of Dr Lim, Prof Subodh and Dr Tan, from the NRF. Credits: CNRS@CREATE.

The mid-term meeting started with an introduction & discussion about EcoCTs project in the CREATE Theatrette, in the presence of Dr Lim, Dr Subodh and Dr Tan, from the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF).

Prof Dominique Baillargeat took the occasion to welcome all participants to this first physical meeting.

The afternoon went on with presentations of Thrusts 1.1 and Thrust 1.2. 

On the second day of EcoCTs mid term meeting, the day with some more presentations from Thrust 2.1 and Thrust 2.2.


The EcoCTs group then enjoyed lunch on the Sky Terrace @ CREATE, having the opportunity to discuss between them about their research as well as other subjects. 

In the afternoon, Thrust 3.1 and Thrust 3.2 each presented their progress.  

After wrapping up all the EcoCTs thrusts presentations, the EcoCTs team headed for dinner downtown.  

On their last day of this EcoCTs mid term meeting, the team went through an intense brainstorming session, which led to all sorts of fascinating ideas, which could path the way to an “After EcoCTs”.


We would like to warmly thank the whole EcoCTs team and guests for this great mid term meeting event!