[CREATE Symposium] Science of Sustainable Cities

CNRS Team at CREATE Symposium 2023 | Science of Sustainable cities.

The CREATE Symposium 2023, held on 10 July, was centred on the Science of Sustainable Cities.

It began in the morning with the welcome address by Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Chairman of the National Research Foundation.

DPM CREATE Symposium (MCI Photos by Lim Sin Thai) 

Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and Chairman of the National Research Foundation, giving his welcome address speech at the CREATE Symposium (MCI Photos by Lim Sin Thai). 

It then featured several keynote sessions:

Senseable Cities
Prof Carlo Ratti
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cities and non-communicable diseases: challenges and opportunities
Prof Nick Wareham
University of Cambridge

“Addressing Global Challenges through Advances in Plant Breeding”
Prof Richard Visser
Wageningen University

“The role of ammonia combustion for decarbonization in power and industrial sectors”
Prof Hideaki Kobayashi
Tohoku University

Prof Subodh Mhaisalkar, Executive Director, Academic Research, National Research Foundation, opened the afternoon session constituted of a series of presentations/panel discussions in the afternoon (by researchers at CREATE and their collaborators).

Prof Subodh during the CREATE Symposium 2023. Credits: Samuel Foo BEARS

Prof Subodh during the CREATE Symposium 2023. Credits: Samuel Foo BEARS

Prof. Francisco Chinesta (Director of the DesCartes program) was a panelist in the first “Future Healthy Cities” discussion.

Paco Chinesta CREATE Symposium 2023

Paco Chinesta during the CREATE Symposium 2023. Credits: CNRS@CREATE.

The second discussion, themed “Environmental Systems”, saw Prof. Chueh Loo Poh (Lead PI of the EcoCTs project) presenting EcoCTs as well as being part of the panel discussion.

Chueh Loo Poh CREATE Symposium 2023

Chueh Loo Poh CREATE Symposium 2023

The last discussion was centred around “Food systems”.

The posters section, which happened during the morning and afternoon tea breaks, also allowed EcoCTs, ScaNCells and SPACE projects to bring up fruitful discussions on their ongoing research.

Posters SPACE and Antoine Petit

Prof Natacha Aveline presenting the SPACE project poster to Prof. Antoine Petit. Credits: CNRS@CREATE.

Finally, the CNRS@CREATE exhibits held by Calipso project and the DesCartes Program attracted many visitors, together with the CNRS CEO Prof. Antoine Petit.

DesCartes Augmented Marina Bay Twin visitors

DesCartes Augmented Marina Bay Twin visitors. Credits: CNRS@CREATE.

Calipso team presenting the soSPIM microscope to Antoine Petit, Christelle Roy

Prof. Jean-Baptiste Sibarita and Prof. Virgile Viasnoff from the Calipso team,  presenting the soSPIM microscope to Antoine Petit, Christelle Roy



Warm thank you to our Guests of Honor, partners and staff for joining in this vibrant event!