[BUBBLE] Young Researcher Prize awarded to Prince Amaniampong
Source: Société Chimique de France
The Young Researcher Prize “Prix Jeune Chercheur” was awarded to Prince Amaniampong for his important and original contribution to the development of sonochemistry as an alternative activation tools in assisting catalytic reactions for transformation of bio-based substrates into industrially relevant chemicals.
Congratulations Prince!
- 2016, PhD @ Nanyang Technological University Singapore « Supported gold nanoparticle catalysts for selective bio-based oxidation reactions »
- Postdoct @ IC2MP on the application of sonochemistry and sonocatalysis using high frequency ultrasound technologies in the selective .
- Since 2019, CNRS Researcher at the Institute of Chemistry of Environments and Materials of Poitiers (IC2MP, Poitiers), and partnership of the IC2MP – SOLVAY (E2P2L, Shanghai) join laboratory
- Currently the principal investigator of an ANR JCJC funded project “AminoSound” (2020-2023), principal investigator of a CNRS@CREATE Singapore and National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore funded Seed grant project “Bubble” (2021-2023), together with international collaborators from Singapore. He is also a co-PI on an ANR PRCI funded project “SonoNanoCat” (2021-2024), an international collaborative project with scientific partners in Singapore, and also the lead investigator of a CNRSSupport Action for collaborations with Sub-Saharan Africa grant “Chemchoc” (2021-2022) with collaborators from partner universities in Ghana
- In 2021, editorial board member of Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (IF: 7.491) journal and a Topical Advisory board member of the journal Catalysts (IF: 4.146) and is an author of over 25 peer-reviewed articles, 7 book chapters, 1 patent, which have given rise to more than 800 citations (h index = 16)