Research Fellows in Augmented Hybrid Engineering: Faster than real-time physics

Job offer posted on 13 July 2022

DesCartes Program (Work Package 8) is looking for two Postdoc Research Fellows in Faster than real-time Physics with the use of reduced order modeling, for fast data assimilation, prediction, and control.


The DesCartes programme is developing a hybrid AI, combining Learning, Knowledge and Reasoning, which has good properties (need for less resources and data, security, robustness, fairness, respect for privacy, ethics), and demonstrated on industrial applications of the smart city (digital energy, monitoring of structures, air traffic control).

The program brings together 80 permanent researchers (half from France, half from Singapore), with the support of large industrial groups (Thales SG, EDF SG, ESI group, CETIM Matcor, ARIA etc.).

The research will take place mainly in Singapore, at the premises of CNRS@CREATE, with a competitive salary and generous funding for missions.

Read more about the DesCartes program here.


WP8  Augmented Hybrid Engineering

WP8 Breakthroughs

  • Scalable and fast decision making, from sensor management to real-time predictions and robust control
  • Practical implementation, managing complexity, uncertainty and technical constraints

WP8 Motivations

  • Pure model-based or data-based approaches cannot lead to robust and explainable decisions
  • Nonlinear behavior and component interactions are hard to predict in complex system-of-systems

WP8 Innovation

  • Sensor placement combined with data fusion
  • Hybrid twin synthesis with faster than real-time predictions
  • Correct-by-design robust control and resource efficient h/w deployments at the edge

Job Description

Develop and implement reduced order modeling strategies, for complex engineering systems of interest, in order to perform fast modeling-based evaluation and prediction on such systems. The strategies will feed applications dealing with data assimilation, parameter learning, and system control, with real-time purposes.


      Competences in some of the domains listed below will be highly considered:

      • Applied mathematics
      • Optimization and Control theory
      • Physical modeling & Simulation-based engineering
      • Constraints on real-world systems


      1. Numerical Simulation
      2. Engineering
      3. Data Assimilation
      4. Control


      RF Salary range: 6000 to 7200 SGD (depending on suitability and experience)

      Workplace address: CREATE Campus, CREATE Tower, 1 Create Way #08-01 Singapore 138602

      Interested applicants please send your resume to:

      Email :  

      – Please attach your full CV, with the names and contacts (including email addresses) of two character referees.